Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 18 - May 21

Thank you to everyone for coming to Award's Day and to those that brought desserts!  You all helped make it a success and we hope you enjoyed it.
It's the last week of school!  Each day this week we will be doing something special.  Please refer to the dates listed below to see what your child will need for each day:
Monday - Summer Celebration Day
*If you're child has a summer birthday, you are welcome to send in a special birthday treat for them.  We will have some fun summer stations in the morning, and that afternoon we will celebrate all of the birthdays!
Tuesday - Center Day
*The boys and girls will spend the day playing in centers.  You do not need to send anything special for this day! 
Wednesday - PJ and Movie Day
*Your child can wear their pajamas this day!  They may also bring a small pillow or stuffed animal to spend the day with.  We will be watching movies all day!  Please send in a snack for the class to share that day.  Goldfish, teddy grahams, M&M's, popcorn, cheez-its, gummies, etc. 
* THEY WILL NOT NEED BACKPACKS OR FOLDERS! They can bring their lunch, but we will not be doing snack.  We will dismiss that day at 12:30. Please let us know with a note if your child's transportation changes for this day.  Report cards will be sent home that day with your child.  If you know that your child will not be at school that day, you can send in a self addressed, stamped (TWO stamps) envelope and we will mail you their report card.  If your child does not come, you can still come by the school anytime until 12:30 to pick up their report card from us.  Otherwise, their report cards will go in our mailboxes in the front office and you can pick it up over the summer.
 We hope you all have a GREAT summer!!
                                                                  Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Saturday, May 9, 2015

May 11 - May 15

We hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend and enjoyed all of your treats!  Thank you to all of the parents who sent in supplies, snacks, notes, and gifts last week during Teacher Appreciation Week.  Thank you also to the parents who came and sat with our classes and sent in food for the teachers on Friday.  You all made it a wonderful week!
Due to the Blue Bell Ice Cream recall, our lunchroom will no longer be selling ice cream on Fridays!
Wednesday we will have Field Day from 8:30 - 9:00.  Make sure your child wears tennis shoes to school that morning!  For lunch that day, we will be getting sack lunches and going to the pavilion at the back of the school to have lunch on the lawn.  Your child won't need anything special for that.  We will only be staying for our lunch time and then we will be going back to our rooms. 
We will have our Honor's Day May 15th at 11:15.  This is our version of a graduation ceremony.  We will be having a pizza lunch after the ceremony in our classrooms.  Please make plans for at least one person in your family to attend!  Every child gets an award and another special item and we like for them to have a family member there to celebrate with them.  *Parking for awards day will be in the BACK of the school due to the amount of people that will be there and the limited space up front!* You will also be able to sign your child out in the classroom after the awards program and lunch. 

Our last day of school will be May 21st. THEY WILL NOT NEED BACKPACKS OR FOLDERS! We will dismiss that day at 12:30. Report cards will be sent home that day with your child.  If you know that your child will not be at school that day, you can send in a self addressed, stamped (TWO stamps) envelope and we will mail you their report card.  If your child does not come, you can still come by the school anytime until 12:30 to pick up their report card from us.  Otherwise, their report cards will go in our mailboxes in the front office and you can pick it up over the summer. 
We hope you all have a great week! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to let us know! We're almost finished!
                                                                 Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, April 19, 2015

May 4 - May 8

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Due to the Blue Bell Ice Cream recall, our lunchroom will no longer be selling ice cream on Fridays!
 This week is Teacher Appreciation Week.  The PTO sent home a letter last week for something special each day.  Friday, each classroom will need two volunteers to help watch the kids at lunch time so the teachers can enjoy lunch in the library.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you are available to come help.  They are also asking for parents to send in food for the teachers on Friday.  Please have your food in the library by 10:30 on Friday.  Thank you for your help!
We will have our Honor's Day May 15th at 11:15.  This is our version of a graduation ceremony.  We will be having a pizza lunch after the ceremony in our classrooms.  Please make plans for at least one person in your family to attend!  Every child gets an award and another special item and we like for them to have a family member there to celebrate with them. 
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to let us know!
We hope you all have a great week!
                                                                 Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 13 - April 17

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Thank you also to everyone who came to Spring Fling.  We hope you had fun!
Kindergarten registration and teacher requests began April 1st.  If you would like to request your child's teacher for first grade, or know someone with a child to register for Kindergarten, please make plans to be there this month between 9:00 - 1:00 ! Remember, a request is just that; a request!  There is a lot that goes into placing children in a class and your first request may not always be the one you get.  Registration/Requests lasts until April 30th.
We are going on our Charlotte's Web field trip Thursday!  We will leave school around 9:00 and return between 12:30 and 1:00.  If you signed up to chaperone, we will be sending home a chaperone letter Monday for you to read and sign.  This is our last field trip of the year!
The PE Department will begin selling Field Day packs this week.  There will be a note in your child's folder this week.  We will have field day May 13th and your child will receive their pack then.  Details of items and cost will be on the note from the PE department.  The last day for these packs will be April 24th. 
We will have our Honor's Day May 15th at 11:15.  This is our version of a graduation ceremony.  We will be sending home details later when we have everything finalized.  Please make plans for at least one person in your family to attend!  Every child gets an award and another special item and we like for them to have a family member there to celebrate with them. 
 The last day for checks will be April 22nd!  If you pay for your child's lunch with a check, please make sure to have enough money in your account by that day.  After that date, everything will need to be paid in cash.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to let us know!
We hope you all have a great week!
                                                                 Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, April 5, 2015

April 6 - April 10

We hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend with your families!
Kindergarten registration and teacher requests began April 1st.  If you would like to request your child's teacher for first grade, or know someone with a child to register for Kindergarten, please make plans to be there this month between 9:00 - 1:00 ! Remember, a request is just that; a request!  There is a lot that goes into placing children in a class and your first request may not always be the one you get.  Registration/Requests lasts until April 30th.
Shaved Ice will be April 8th.  Please send $1.50 cash if you would like for your child to participate.
Spring Fling is Friday!  This is a fun event that the PTO puts on every year.  All the money raised from this event goes right back into the classrooms.  This is how we pay for a lot of the things we do at the end of the year!  From 4:00 - 8:00 there will be a lot of games, food, and fun!  There will also be a silent auction set up.  Please make plans to attend our Spring Fling!  The PTO will be sending home wristband forms again this week.
Your child received spring pictures last week.  If you have not already done so, please either return your child's pictures or return your order with payment this week.  Thank you!
The last day for checks will be April 22nd!  If you pay for your child's lunch with a check, please make sure to have enough money in your account by that day.  After that date, everything will need to be paid in cash.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to let us know!
We hope you all have a great week!
                                                                 Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Friday, March 27, 2015

March 30 - April 3

We hope you all had a great Spring Break!  We are in the home stretch of this school year.  It's hard to believe that it is almost over!
Thank you to all the parents that went on our zoo field trip.  It was a GREAT day for a field trip and the kids had a great time! 
 Kindergarten registration and teacher requests begins April 1st.  If you would like to request your child's teacher for first grade, or know someone with a child to register for Kindergarten, please make plans to be there April 1st! Remember, a request is just that; a request!  There is a lot that goes into placing children in a class and your first request may not always be the one you get.  Registration/Requests begins at 9:00 and will run until 6:00 the first day.  The other days will be 9:00 - 1:00.
We have a lot of Easter activities planned this week! We will have an Easter Egg Hunt, hosted by Millbrook Methodist Church, on Thursday, April 2nd.  Our egg hunt will be at 12:30 with our class parties following.  Room moms/teachers will contact you soon to send in something for the party if you signed up to help with this one.  This is our last school party of the year!  Teachers will provide Easter baskets for students.  Please send in $1 cash to cover the cost of the Easter basket by Wednesday.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to let us know!
  We hope you all have a great week!
                                                                 Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 16 - March 20

It's our last week before Spring Break!  The kids have worked hard this year and deserve a break.  We will come back afterwards and hit the ground running to first grade!
We will be going to the zoo on Thursday!  If you have signed up as a chaperone for this trip, be on the lookout for a chaperone letter coming home before Thursday.  The zoo is always a fun trip and we are excited to go. 
Report cards were sent home last Thursday.  If you have not done so already, please return those, signed, as soon as possible! 
Friday is a teacher in-service day which means no school for the kids!
 Kindergarten registration and teacher requests begins April 1st.  If you would like to request your child's teacher for first grade, or know someone with a child to register for Kindergarten, please make plans to be there April 1st! Remember, a request is just that; a request!  There is a lot that goes into placing children in a class and your first request may not always be the one you get. 
When we return from Spring Break, we will be into Easter week.  We will have an Easter Egg Hunt, hosted by Millbrook Methodist Church, on Thursday, April 2nd.  Our egg hunt will be at 12:30 with our class parties following.  Room moms/teachers will contact you soon to send in something for the party if you signed up to help with this one.  This is our last school party of the year!  Teachers will provide Easter baskets for students.  Please send in $1 cash to cover the cost of the Easter basket. 
 If you have any questions please don't hesitate to let us know!
  We hope you all have a great week!
                                                                 Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers