Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 10 - 14, 2014

     We had a busy week in the Blue Pod. Thanks for your support with the kids' first experience with the CES book fair. They loved getting to pick their very own books. Another book fair is usually held near Christmas and a final one in the Spring.
     If you have already paid for our upcoming field trip to the Alabama Nature Center on Wednesday, November 19...thank you! If not, please send the permission and money ($8.50) as soon as possible. We hope you can join us as a chaperone.Let us know if you have any questions.
     We will be looking toward Thanksgiving in the coming days and we will be asking for some help as we dye, paint, and bead Thanksgiving shirts for our CES Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday, Nov. 20. Parents are welcome to come eat with us. The cafeteria staff needs your reservation by Nov. 18 so they can prepare for the crowd! Cost for adult meals that day will be $3.75. You may pay as you go through the serving line.
     In preparing our Thanksgiving shirts, we would welcome donations of fall colored fabric paint. The bottles you squeeze are helpful with our little ones as they enjoy painting their own Indian signs as much as possible. We could also  use a few bags of pony beads for beading the fringe on our shirts. This is a fun time of preparation for the students as they not only learn about the history and traditions of our Thanksgiving in America, but they strengthen those fine motor skills with all the painting and beading!
    Please remember we will observe Veteran's Day on Tuesday, Nov. 11, and there will be no school that day.

Have a great week! We welcome Mrs. Boyer back on Wednesday!!
Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 3 - November 7

     We had a fun and exciting week with the students this past week with our Red Ribbon/Drug Free Week activities. Thanks for participating by sending your children dressed for the theme day and we appreciate those of you who provided food for our special Halloween snack on Friday afternoon.
      On Monday, we hope you will plan to join us for our 9th Annual Family Math Night. This is an opportunity for you tosee what is going on in your child's classroom as we strive to  provide a strong foundation in mathematical concepts such as counting, making sets, demonstrating one-to-one correspondence and being able to record what they are doing mathematically. At 6 - 7p.m., we will be having you come to our classroom and your child will teach you! We will begin with moving directions in the cafeteria at 6 p.m.; we will be finished by 7 p.m. Hope to see you there; it is one of the most highly attended family events all year - don't miss out!!
     You will also be receiving a field trip form in the folders today. We are going to the Alabama Nature Center/Lanark on Wednesday, Nov. 19. The cost is $8.50 per child and we welcome as many chaperones as we can get. We will be fishing, going on a nature hike, and experiencing a hands-on lesson with animal skins and skulls. This is a wonderful facility and we are so fortunate to have it close by. We will offer sack lunches from CES cafeteria at your child's regular lunch price or your can mark on the form that your child will bring their own sack lunch and drink from home. We will be gone from the school from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. As with our first trip, please return the signed permission form and money together. Thanks for your prompt attention to this; the quicker we get the forms back, the better for our bookkeeper and us!
    This will be Mrs. McClain's last week with Mrs. Boyer's class. She has done an excellent job with the children and next week, the students will be welcoming Mrs. Boyer back to the Blue Pod!

Have a great week,
Blue Pod Teachers.