Friday, December 12, 2014

December 15 - December 18

We are going to have a busy, fun week this week! Thank you for donations of fabric paint.  We will put those to good use this week!
     Wednesday we will be having our class Christmas parties.  If you signed up to help on Parent Report Night, the room moms should have already contacted you. The parties will be at 1:30 in your child's classroom.  Please send your item that morning if you are not able to come to the party.  There will be NO gift exchange; teachers will provide a gift for each child.
     Thursday we will have Polar Express Day.  Please allow your child to wear pajamas to school.  We will also release that day at 12:30.  It will be like a normal afternoon pick up.  All busses will pick up, so if you need to change your child's transportation, please let us know!
     We will have Christmas break from December 19 - January 6.  We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year with your families! 
        Please send a seasonally appropriate change of clothes back to school with your child.  Please put them in a bag labeled with their name.
      We hope you all have a great week!
                                                              Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 8 - December 12

      We will have a buys couple of weeks before Christmas Break!  This week the Kids Korner shop will be at our school.  You received a letter and envelope about it last week.  If you would like for your child to participate, please send their money in that envelope any day this week.  They will go shop after lunch! 
      We will also begin on our Christmas shirts too.  If you have not sent in your child's 3 white t-shirts, please do so this week!  We would appreciate any donations of red, green, and yellow fabric paint to make these shirts.
      Next Wednesday we will have breakfast with Santa and our classroom Christmas parties.  Room moms will be contacting you soon if you signed up to help with this party.  Next Thursday your child can wear pajamas to school to participate in our Polar Express Day.  School will release at 12:30 next Thursday.
       Please send a seasonally appropriate change of clothes back to school with your child.  Please put them in a bag labeled with their name.
      We hope you all have a great week!

Friday, November 21, 2014

December 1 - December 5

     Thank you to everyone who came to our field trip and our Thanksgiving lunch! We appreciated your help and the kids were so excited to show off their Indian outfits :-)
      We will have Thanksgiving Break all next week.  When we come back we will start with an AMSTI unit and begin Christmas.
      When we return from Thanksgiving Break, please send a seasonally appropriate change of clothes back to school with your child.  Please put them in a bag labeled with their name. 
      We will also be working on Christmas shirts in the coming weeks.  If you have not sent in the three white shirts for your child please do so as soon as possible!  We will also need red, green, and yellow fabric paint for our shirts.  Any donations of fabric paint are appreciated! 
     We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great time with your family!

                                                                  Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 17 - November 21

We had a great time at the GOTCHA party last week!  We got to play some Minute to Win It games and cheer on our teachers and classmates.  We will continue our Thanksgiving unit this week and continue work on our Indian shirts!  We are excited to show these to you at our Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday.
      If you have already paid for our upcoming field trip to the Alabama Nature Center on Wednesday, November 19...thank you! If not, please send the permission and money ($8.50) by TUESDAY.  We can not take money or permission slips the morning of the trip. We need chaperones and we hope you can join us as a chaperone. If  you are planning on being a chaperone, you will need to wear comfortable shoes and dress warmly.  That applies to students also.  We will be hiking, fishing, and digging in the dirt!
      We will be having our  CES Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday, Nov. 20. Parents are welcome to come eat with us. The cafeteria staff needs your reservation by Nov. 18 so they can prepare for the crowd! Cost for adult meals that day will be $3.75. You may pay as you go through the serving line. Please let us know by Tuesday if you will be attending lunch that day  with your child. 
      There are a couple of other things going on during this busy week!  The Student Council is having an Iron Bowl contest.  They are selling strips of tape for $1.00 to tape our principal to the wall!  Just send in $1.00 with the form you received last week and  your child chooses their favorite team. Student Council uses the money they earn for various things during the year to help our school.
     By now, many of you have heard about a little girl in our community, Raven, who was in a tragic accident two weeks ago.  The PTO is collecting money to give to Raven's family.  Please consider donating.  You can send in loose change or make a larger monetary donation ($5 or more) and it will be sent to the PTO.  On November 20th, the PTO will add all their money and give it to Raven's family. 
    Next week we will celebrate Thanksgiving!  We hope you have a great week off with your family!

Have a great week!
Blue Pod Teachers

Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 10 - 14, 2014

     We had a busy week in the Blue Pod. Thanks for your support with the kids' first experience with the CES book fair. They loved getting to pick their very own books. Another book fair is usually held near Christmas and a final one in the Spring.
     If you have already paid for our upcoming field trip to the Alabama Nature Center on Wednesday, November 19...thank you! If not, please send the permission and money ($8.50) as soon as possible. We hope you can join us as a chaperone.Let us know if you have any questions.
     We will be looking toward Thanksgiving in the coming days and we will be asking for some help as we dye, paint, and bead Thanksgiving shirts for our CES Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday, Nov. 20. Parents are welcome to come eat with us. The cafeteria staff needs your reservation by Nov. 18 so they can prepare for the crowd! Cost for adult meals that day will be $3.75. You may pay as you go through the serving line.
     In preparing our Thanksgiving shirts, we would welcome donations of fall colored fabric paint. The bottles you squeeze are helpful with our little ones as they enjoy painting their own Indian signs as much as possible. We could also  use a few bags of pony beads for beading the fringe on our shirts. This is a fun time of preparation for the students as they not only learn about the history and traditions of our Thanksgiving in America, but they strengthen those fine motor skills with all the painting and beading!
    Please remember we will observe Veteran's Day on Tuesday, Nov. 11, and there will be no school that day.

Have a great week! We welcome Mrs. Boyer back on Wednesday!!
Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 3 - November 7

     We had a fun and exciting week with the students this past week with our Red Ribbon/Drug Free Week activities. Thanks for participating by sending your children dressed for the theme day and we appreciate those of you who provided food for our special Halloween snack on Friday afternoon.
      On Monday, we hope you will plan to join us for our 9th Annual Family Math Night. This is an opportunity for you tosee what is going on in your child's classroom as we strive to  provide a strong foundation in mathematical concepts such as counting, making sets, demonstrating one-to-one correspondence and being able to record what they are doing mathematically. At 6 - 7p.m., we will be having you come to our classroom and your child will teach you! We will begin with moving directions in the cafeteria at 6 p.m.; we will be finished by 7 p.m. Hope to see you there; it is one of the most highly attended family events all year - don't miss out!!
     You will also be receiving a field trip form in the folders today. We are going to the Alabama Nature Center/Lanark on Wednesday, Nov. 19. The cost is $8.50 per child and we welcome as many chaperones as we can get. We will be fishing, going on a nature hike, and experiencing a hands-on lesson with animal skins and skulls. This is a wonderful facility and we are so fortunate to have it close by. We will offer sack lunches from CES cafeteria at your child's regular lunch price or your can mark on the form that your child will bring their own sack lunch and drink from home. We will be gone from the school from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. As with our first trip, please return the signed permission form and money together. Thanks for your prompt attention to this; the quicker we get the forms back, the better for our bookkeeper and us!
    This will be Mrs. McClain's last week with Mrs. Boyer's class. She has done an excellent job with the children and next week, the students will be welcoming Mrs. Boyer back to the Blue Pod!

Have a great week,
Blue Pod Teachers.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 27 - October 31

   We had a great time on our first field trip to Hilltop Farm/Pumpkin Patch. The children were well behaved and we look forward to other trips with them. We hope to have another one right before our Thanksgiving Break. Watch for info to come as that develops.
   You will be receiving information this week (if you haven't already seen it in your daily folders) on two important programs going on at CES. One is sponsored through our library program. It is the Read for Auburn/Alabama contest. This is a state wide program that encourages children to be read to at home. It is free and you can complete this in a six day time frame. Check your folder for full details.
   The second event coming up next Monday, Nov. 3, is CES Family Math Night. This is a great way for you to see what your child is doing in math. Plan to bring your child at 6 p.m. and they will teach you how math is done! You are encouraged to visit other classrooms so you can see the connections from one grade level to another. This is one of the most highly attended events at CES every year. Don't miss it! The flyer you are receiving says Blue Pod is performing/singing at math night. This has been changed to our performing for the PTO at the January 2015 meeting. Just come on November 3 and have a great time!!
    Finally, Drug Free/ Red Ribbon week will take place at CES from October 27- October 31. The counselors work with the children all week as we begin to help our youngest students understand the effects of drug use in a developmentally appropriate manner. It is a fun week for the children, and culminates on Friday with a costume parade on Oct. 31. (NO scary costumes). You are welcome to come watch the parade ( around 8 the main lobby area by the lunchroom) and join in the fun for this creative day at our school. Students will enjoy a Halloween party on Friday afternoon. Room moms or your teacher will be contacting you for party food if you signed up to help at our Parent Report time back in September. Our special snack will be at 1:30 on Friday afternoon.You are welcome to join us for that , too. Reminders of what to wear all week are listed in the column to your right.You can tell it is going to be a busy week!

Have a good week!
Blue Pod Teachers.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 13 - October 17

     Welcome back! We hope you all had a fun, safe Fall Break.  It's hard to believe we have already been in school for 43 days! The kids have settled in nicely and you will be seeing their progress on the report cards they bring home this Thursday. Please sign and return them after you have a chance to review them.

     We hope you found the permission slip for our first field trip in last Friday's folder. We will be going to Hilltop Farm Pumpkin Patch on Friday, October 24. We will be at school for the first half of our day and follow our regular schedule through lunch. The pod teachers, CES administration, and adults at the farm will supervise the students on this trip. The cost is $7.00. This covers the cost of the bus driver and bus gas, a pumpkin for each child, and farm costs that include animals' food that children will use during the trip plus hayride expenses. Please return the signed permission form with the $7.00 as soon as possible!

Have a great week!

Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Oct. 6 - Oct. 10

     We hope you all have a wonderful Fall Break this week. We enjoyed our apple tasting party on Friday with the students and thank you for sending in needed supplies for that. We also completed our testing for the end of the first nine weeks and you will be receiving report cards on Thursday, Oct. 16.
      We hope you found the permission slip for our first field trip in Friday's folder. We will be going to Hilltop Farm Pumpkin Patch on Friday, October 24. We will be at school for the first half of our day and follow our regular schedule through lunch. The pod teachers, CES administration, and adults at the farm will supervise the students on this trip. The cost is $7.00. This covers the cost of the bus driver and bus gas, a pumpkin for each child, and farm costs that include animals' food that children will use during the trip plus hayride expenses. Please return the signed permission form with the $7.00 as soon as possible. Our field trip shirts have been ordered and will be ready for that day. If you have not sent in that $6.00 required fee, please do so as soon as we return to school. (Headphone and journal fees - $9.00 total - are also past due)

Have a great week with your children; see you on October 13!
Blue Pod Teachers

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 29 - October 3

    We had a good week in the Blue Pod. We want to thank Ed and Eli Westbrook's dad for visiting the pod and sharing about his work with Forest Fire Prevention. We have learned so much about trees in our AMSTI unit and having this visit from him and Smokey Bear really added to our learning and interest in caring for our trees and forest! Thank you, Mr. Westbrook!
    We will continue our Fall Science unit this week with a focus on Apples. Please send in one apple with your child as soon as possible this week. We will use the apples in counting, graphing, and language enrichment lessons all week and we will end our week with an apple tasting party.
     This week will also be our testing week for the end of the 1st quarter in our school year. Please make every effort to have your child ready to show how much they have learned these first nine weeks! Report cards will come home after Fall Break; report card day is October 16.
     Enjoy your Fall Break from October 6 - 10! When we return, we will be moving in to the pumpkin season - always fun!

This week:
Oct. 2 - Shaved Ice at P.E. $1.50
Oct. 3 - National Walk to School Day - You are invited to join your child at P.E. (8:00 a.m.) to walk a specified course with your child. Join us if you can:)
Our first school fundraiser begins this week; your child will bring home info on Monday afternoon.

Have a good week and a great Fall Break!
Blue Pod Teachers

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 22 - 26

The Blue Pod is proud to announce that Mrs. Boyer had a beautiful baby girl this week! Mr. and Mrs. Hodum have already held her and proclaimed themselves as honorary grandparents! Congratulations, Mrs. Boyer! We miss you , but Mrs. McClain is doing a great job in her classroom and we cannot wait to see some pictures of little Kathryn to share with the kids.

We had a busy past week at CES with shaved ice, picture day, and special scheduled times of music and library. The children are becoming accustomed to our routines and we hope they are sharing all of the special times as well. This week we will be going to Counseling/Guidance classes and to the computer lab.

This week, we will continue our AMSTI unit with the study of trees and leaves. Take time to go outside with your child this week and observe the trees right around you. We have been using our science journals to record what we see on our outside school area. We are going to have a special guest this week that will help the students understand the importance of taking care of our forest and land. For now, it's a secret, but we hope your child comes home Monday being very aware of the treasures in our trees and forests.

Many of you signed the notes sent home this week concerning the sale of ice cream on Fridays in the cafeteria. Please know this is optional and we encourage the students to eat their lunches before we let them go pick their ice cream. The cafeteria staff is aware of who does and does not want their child's lunch accounts to be used for ice cream. If we see .75 in an envelope or ziplock bag on Friday we will assume it is for ice cream. Thanks to those of you who label things for us: it makes our time collecting money so much shorter and we are anxious to get on with our instructional day as quickly as possible. Please talk to your child as to when they can buy ice cream and when they cannot. Thanks for your help!

See You at the Pole is an annual event at all of our county schools when parents and students are invited to join us around our school flagpole to pray for our school, community, state, and nation. This will take place this Wednesday, Sept. 24, at 7a.m. You are welcome to join us if your schedule permits. It will be over by 7:15 when students may enter the building.

Have a great weekend; please take note of the upcoming October events (listed on the right side of the blog page).
Blue Pod Teachers

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 15- September19

      Thanks to all of you who met with us on Parent Report Day last week. We hope the brief time was helpful to you as you were able to see just how much we do in Kindergarten. If you have not yet returned the items requested at Parent Night, please do this week: white t-shirts, change of clothes for emergencies, required paperwork, and required school fees. We will be ordering field trip t-shirts and headphones within the next week and would appreciate your taking care of these final, beginning of year needs.
      Picture Day will be this Wednesday, Sept. 17. You may have received picture payment envelopes on Friday. If not, you will be receiving them on Monday. Everyone will have their picture made on Wednesday. This picture is the one that goes in our CES yearbook. The envelope sent home will explain many options you have in regard to buying the pictures if you choose to.
     Tuesday, Sept. 16, is our second day of shaved ice offered at P.E. If you want your child to participate, please send the money in a labeled envelope so that funds can go where you intend them to. The cost is $1.50.
     Please make sure you are sending correct change for snack every day. We do not keep change in our classrooms and can not make change for $5's and $10's. We can also not keep money in our classrooms to use for future days. If we see those bills we are going to assume it's for lunch and we will put it in their lunch accounts. We are not allowed to keep money in our classrooms. Snack and juice is $1 every day. Lunch is $2.50 a day and $.40 for reduced. Please plan accordingly

Have a great week!
  Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September Lunch Menu

Here is the link to the September Lunch Menu!

September 8th - September 12th

We hope you all had a great weekend!

 Tomorrow is Parent Report Day and we are looking forward to meeting with all of you! Please remember to be on time and prepared with any questions you may have.  We have full schedules and only 15 minutes with each of you.  We will be showing you what the report card will look like, your child's DIBELS scores, and we will be giving you a list of sight words for the entire year. We will also be giving you a reminder slip if your child still needs something from the beginning of the year. This is a no school day for the students.

 Please make sure you are sending correct change for snack every day.  We do not keep change in our classrooms and can not make change for $5's and $10's. We can also not keep money in our classrooms to use for future days. If we see those bills we are going to assume it's for lunch and we will put it in their lunch accounts.  We are not allowed to keep money in our classrooms.  Snack and juice is $1 every day.  Lunch is $2.50 a day and $.40 for reduced.  Please plan accordingly.

 Please refer to the weekly lesson plans and calendar on the right side of the blog to see what we will be doing this week. Practice the letters and sight words with your child every night.  Talk about words that start with that letter and sound.  Make sentences with the sight words.  The more exposure your child gets to the letters and sight words the quicker they will pick it up and remember!

We encourage you to go to the Spirit Nights that our PTO hosts at various restaurants during the month.  If you go to these Spirit Nights, and tell the cashier that you want your receipt to go to the CES Spirit Night, our school receives a portion of the profits made that night.  You can also send your receipt to school the next day with your child and we can give it to the PTO then.  Thank you for supporting our school!

 Have a great week!

                                                                     Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 2 - September 5

We hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend!

Thank you to everyone who sent in your child's All About Me bag for last week.  The kids really enjoyed going through them each day and learning about their friends.  If you were unable to return the bag, please send a family picture for us to hang on the wall for your child!

You received a letter last week about Parent Report Day.  We numbered those letters as we got them back in the order we received them.  We will make every effort to give you one of the times you requested.  However, there may be times where it is just not possible.  We will let you know if you need to find another time.  We will also let you know by Thursday of this week what time you are scheduled for.  Parent Report Day is a no school day for kids.   Please make every effort to be on time as we only have 15 minutes with each family and we have a lot to discuss!  Please come prepared with any questions you may have.

 Please make sure you are sending correct change for snack every day.  We do not keep change in our classrooms and can not make change for $5's and $10's. We can also not keep money in our classrooms to use for future days. If we see those bills we are going to assume it's for lunch and we will put it in their lunch accounts.  We are not allowed to keep money in our classrooms.  Snack and juice is $1 every day.  Lunch is $2.50 a day and $.40 for reduced.  Please plan accordingly.

Please remember to return all paperwork, signed, as soon as possible.  Please also remember to pay the required fees and send in all supplies.  We will start going to the computer lab soon and can't order headphones until we have received money from everyone.

Please refer to the weekly lesson plans and calendar on the right side of the blog to see what we will be doing this week.

Please continue to return your child's bus/car/van tag daily in their backpack.  We may not wear them, but we would like for them to be there in the event that we need them.  Thank you!
Have a great week!

                                                                     Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 25th - August 29th

We hope you all had a great weekend!

 You received a brown bag labeled "All About Me" in your child's folder last week.  We were collecting those all last week and will be using them for daily activities this week.  If you have not returned your child's bag, please do so ASAP so they are able to participate in our daily activities.
PE will be selling Shaved Ice during our PE time on Tuesday.  It is $1.50 cash.  If you want your child to have shaved ice, please send their money in a marked envelope in their folder.  There will be several shaved ice days throughout the school year.  PE uses the money from shaved ice to purchase new equipment for the playground and gym.

 Please make sure you are sending correct change for snack every day.  We do not keep change in our classrooms and can not make change for $5's and $10's. We can also not keep money in our classrooms to use for future days. If we see those bills we are going to assume it's for lunch and we will put it in their lunch accounts.  We are not allowed to keep money in our classrooms.  Snack and juice is $1 every day.  Lunch is $2.50 a day and $.40 for reduced.  Please plan accordingly.

We are so proud of the boys and girls walking in by their selves in the mornings!  They have all made it to the classrooms and are doing a great job.  There will be lots of teachers throughout the hallways to help guide them.  Drop off times in the morning are now 7:15 - 7:45.  That gives you 30 minutes to drop off your child and for breakfast if they need it.    If they need to eat breakfast in the morning at school, please remind them to go eat breakfast first then come to the classroom!  Car riders will now release at 2:25.  This helps us get a load of cars out before the buses need to go out.  Thank you for being patient with us as we continue to work this out!

 Please remember to return all paperwork, signed, as soon as possible.  Please also remember to pay the required fees and send in all supplies.  We will start going to the computer lab soon and can't order headphones until we have received money from everyone. 

You can find the lunch menu for this month here: August Lunch Menu 
Make sure to click on the August K8 menu on the right hand side of the page.

 Please refer to the weekly lesson plans and calendar on the right side of the blog to see what we will be doing this week. 

Please continue to return your child's bus/car/van tag daily in their backpack.  We may not wear them, but we would like for them to be there in the event that we need them.  Thank you!
Have a great week!

                                                                     Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 18th - August 22nd

We hope you all had a great weekend! We are looking forward to another full week with everyone!

On Friday, you may have received a brown "All About Me" bag in your child's folder.  If you did not, they will be coming home Monday!  Please help your child fill this bag with the items it asks for and return it to school this week.  We will use these bags for several different activities next week.

Our PTO will be hosting a Family Movie Night this Friday night.  They will be selling pizza, drinks, some other snacks, and popcorn will be free.  Doors open at 5:00 and the movie starts at 6:00.  Please make plans to attend this fun event with your family!

Please make sure you are sending correct change for snack every day.  We do not keep change in our classrooms and can not make change for $5's and $10's.  If we see those bills we are going to assume it's for lunch and we will put it in their lunch accounts.  We are not allowed to keep money in our classrooms.  Snack and juice is $1 every day.  Lunch is $2.50 a day and $.40 for reduced.  Please plan accordingly.

We are so proud of the boys and girls walking in by their selves in the mornings!  They have all made it to the classrooms and are doing a great job.  There will be lots of teachers throughout the hallways to help guide them.  Drop off times in the morning are now 7:15 - 7:45.  That gives you 30 minutes to drop off your child and for breakfast if they need it.    If they need to eat breakfast in the morning at school, please remind them to go eat breakfast first then come to the classroom!  Car riders will now release at 2:25.  This helps us get a load of cars out before the buses need to go out.  Thank you for being patient with us as we continue to work this out!

 Please remember to return all paperwork, signed, as soon as possible.  Please also remember to pay the required fees and send in all supplies.  We will start going to the computer lab soon and can't order headphones until we have received money from everyone. 

You can find the lunch menu for this month here: August Lunch Menu 
Make sure to click on the August K8 menu on the right hand side of the page.

 Please refer to the weekly lesson plans and calendar on the right side of the blog to see what we will be doing this week.  We will also be visiting the library and music for the first time this week.

Please continue to return your child's bus/car/van tag daily in their backpack.  We may not wear them, but we would like for them to be there in the event that we need them.  Thank you!
Have a great week!

                                                                     Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 11th - August 15th

We had a great first week in Kindergarten!  There is a lot to learn and adapt to in the first week and the boys and girls all did great.  We hope you were all able to see how valuable the staggered start days were all of us. 

There are a couple of changes in times that will begin this week.  Last week you were able to come in early with your child.  Starting Monday, the doors will not open until 7:20.  If your child is comfortable walking in by their selves, please allow them to do so.  There will be lots of teachers throughout the hallways to help guide them.  The tardy bell time has also changed.  They have extended drop off time until 7:45. So you have from 7:20 - 7:45 to drop off your child!  If they need to eat breakfast in the morning at school, please remind them to go eat breakfast first then come to the classroom!
Please remember to return all paperwork, signed, as soon as possible.  Please also remember to pay the required fees and send in all supplies.

You can find the lunch menu for this month here: August Lunch Menu 
Make sure to click on the August K8 menu on the right hand side of the page. 
Please refer to the weekly lesson plans and calendar on the right side of the blog to see what we will be doing this week.  We will also be visiting the counselor for the first time this week.

 Your child will need to wear their bus/car/daycare tag every day until we have learned our routines for the afternoon.  We will let you know when they can stop!  Please return it every morning either on them or in their folder. 

We are looking forward to our first full week with everyone! 

                                                                     Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 4 - August 8

Welcome to the Blue Pod!  We are excited to get our year started.  We will be spending this week getting to know each other and our school.  We will learn routines, places around our school, how to work together in our classrooms, and many other things! 

Please remember to return all paperwork, signed, on your child's staggered start day.  Please also remember to pay the required fees and send in all supplies.

You can find the lunch menu for this month here: August Lunch Menu 
Make sure to click on the August K8 menu on the right hand side of the page. 

On Thursday when everyone comes we will begin our unit on colors.  We will wear a different color each day!  On Thursday, please wear red.  On Friday, please wear blue.  You will be able to see the colors for each day on your child's behavior calendar.

Your child will need to wear their bus/car/daycare tag every day until we have learned our routines for the afternoon.  We will let you know when they can stop!  Please return it every morning either on them or in their folder. 

We are looking forward to a great year!  See you soon!

                                                                    Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Welcome to Kindergarten!  We are excited about the upcoming school year.  As soon as we know our class rolls, we will contact you to introduce ourselves.  Kindergarten orientation will be Thursday, July 31st at 4:30.  We will use that one time to meet with all parents at one time.  We will discuss a LOT of important information and go through a lot of important papers.  Please plan accordingly and make plans to attend. 
You can find the school supply list on our school's blog at  One thing to make note of: we DO NOT take a nap in Blue Pod.  Therefore, you do not need to supply a nap towel or nap mat. 
We look forward to meeting all of you on the 31st!

                                                                         Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers