Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 8th - September 12th

We hope you all had a great weekend!

 Tomorrow is Parent Report Day and we are looking forward to meeting with all of you! Please remember to be on time and prepared with any questions you may have.  We have full schedules and only 15 minutes with each of you.  We will be showing you what the report card will look like, your child's DIBELS scores, and we will be giving you a list of sight words for the entire year. We will also be giving you a reminder slip if your child still needs something from the beginning of the year. This is a no school day for the students.

 Please make sure you are sending correct change for snack every day.  We do not keep change in our classrooms and can not make change for $5's and $10's. We can also not keep money in our classrooms to use for future days. If we see those bills we are going to assume it's for lunch and we will put it in their lunch accounts.  We are not allowed to keep money in our classrooms.  Snack and juice is $1 every day.  Lunch is $2.50 a day and $.40 for reduced.  Please plan accordingly.

 Please refer to the weekly lesson plans and calendar on the right side of the blog to see what we will be doing this week. Practice the letters and sight words with your child every night.  Talk about words that start with that letter and sound.  Make sentences with the sight words.  The more exposure your child gets to the letters and sight words the quicker they will pick it up and remember!

We encourage you to go to the Spirit Nights that our PTO hosts at various restaurants during the month.  If you go to these Spirit Nights, and tell the cashier that you want your receipt to go to the CES Spirit Night, our school receives a portion of the profits made that night.  You can also send your receipt to school the next day with your child and we can give it to the PTO then.  Thank you for supporting our school!

 Have a great week!

                                                                     Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

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