Monday, February 16, 2015

February 17 - February 20

We hope you all had a great long weekend!
Thank you to everyone who sent in items for our Valentine parties.  Thank you also for all of the special treats! We had a fun day!
Progress Reports were sent home last Thursday.  Please review, sign, and return them as soon as possible. 
We also sent home a letter last week about our next field trip!  We will be going on a field trip to see Charlotte's Web at the Davis Theater in April.  However, we have to order tickets in advance so we need the money turned in by February 20th, THIS FRIDAY! Please consider going with us on our trip!
The PTO is started their coke fundraiser two weeks ago and it's lasting until Friday, the 20th. The date has been extended.  This is a big fundraiser for the PTO!  It helps fund Spring Fling in April and also helps them to honor grants requests from teachers and grade levels.  Please consider supporting the school in this fundraiser! 
The PE Department will begin selling Dr. Seuss t-shirts this week.  We will wear these the first week in March for Dr.Seuss week.  Money and orders are due Wednesday.  T-Shirts are $10!
Our school also has a parent survey that we need you to complete online.  It is really important for us because we will have Federal Monitoring next year and this survey will be one of the things they are looking at.  We have extra computers in the Parent Resource Room at school if you do not have access to a computer at home.  Please send us a note letting us know you completed the survey.  If our class has 80% participation we will get a movie pass to watch a movie one afternoon. You can follow this link to complete the survey:

 We hope you all have a great week!

                                                  Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

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