Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 10 - March 13

What a busy week we had last week!  Dr. Seuss week is always a lot of fun. Thank you for helping your child participate each day!
Monday is a teacher in-service day.  No school for kids!
Spring pictures will be Wednesday! 
We will be taking one more field trip this year!  We will be going to the zoo Thursday, March 19.  Letters and permission slips were sent home two weeks ago.  The cost for students is $13.50 and the cost for chaperones is $15.00.  These prices include admission and train ticket.  These are the discounted prices! Please consider going with us as a chaperone.  We always need a lot of chaperones on the zoo field trip! Money is due Thursday, March 12.  This will allow us time to get our tickets before the day of the trip and have them sorted and ready to go.  This will make the day go a lot smoother! Please have your child's permission slip and payment into us by the 12th.
Report cards will come home Thursday.  Please look over those, sign, and return them as soon as possible. 
Kindergarten registration and teacher requests begins April 1st.  If you would like to request your child's teacher for first grade, or know someone with a child to register for Kindergarten, please make plans to be there April 1st! Remember, a request is just that; a request!  There is a lot that goes into placing children in a class and your first request may not always be the one you get. 
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to let us know!
  We hope you all have a great week!
                                                                 Kindergarten Blue Pod Teachers

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